''10 Seconds'' is a television game show that aired on The Nashville Network from March 29, 1993, to March 25, 1994. The show was hosted by Dan Miller and announced by Don Dashiell. Miller and Dashiell were also the host-announcer team for ''Top Card'', the quiz show that ''10 Seconds'' replaced on the schedule following its cancellation. ==Maingame== Two contestants, one usually a returning champion, competed in a game of identifying songs. Nine categories were displayed. Each category was the clue to the title of a song, and each one hid a point value. The player in control chose a category, revealing how many points the category was worth. The higher the points were, the more difficult the song would be to identify. After a category was chosen Miller would tell the players the year the song was released, the singer's music style, whether the singer was a man or woman (or in other cases, whether it was sung by a duo or group), and the song's peak position on the ''Billboard'' music charts; if the song was a country song or pop song, the contestants were told of the peak position on either of those charts, while if the song reached the ''Billboard'' Hot 100 its peak position on that chart would be revealed. Once all that information was revealed, it was up to the opposing player to decide how long the player would have to listen to the song. The opponent would choose a number of seconds of music to be played, between 1 and 10 seconds. At that point, the player who chose the category decided to play that song or pass it to their opponent. The clip would be played; answering correctly won the points while failure to come up with a correct answer gave the points to the opposing player. A player could only give each amount of seconds once per round. Two rounds were played. In the first round categories were worth between 10 and 50 points, in five-point increments, and it was possible for the same amount to appear multiple times on the board. In the second round, points ranged from 20 to 100, still in five-point increment, and in addition, the last category left on the board at the end of the second round was played for double its value for a possible 200 points. In the event that a player was ahead by more than 400 points at the end of the second round, he/she was declared the winner. Otherwise, one more round was played. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「10 Seconds」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク